Bible Moment: Mould Me, Make Me.

“Come, go down to the potter’s house, and there I will let you hear my words….The vessel he was making of clay was spoiled in the potter’s hand, and he reworked it into another vessel, as seemed good to him.” (Jeremiah 18: 2, 4)

Take a Moment to Ponder

Anyone who has the talent to mould things from clay, may see themselves as having much power. That person can create whatever they want. They also have the option to change the design of what they are making before deciding on the final product. We may think that we ourselves are indeed finished products, but in reality, we are still being moulded by the Master Potter. The Potter has control of the clay and can make it into whatever the Potter wishes. The Lord invited Jeremiah to go down to the potter’s house and see what the potter was doing. It is interesting to note that what the potter was working on was spoiled, and so he reworked it into something better.

We need to see the Lord working in our lives in this way. We are still works in progress, and the Potter continues to shape us into what He sees best. Jesus was also working with imperfect clay, yet he continued to reshape and rework them. When the mother of James and John came to Jesus and made her request, it was clear that there was still more work to be done. Jesus did not want them to see themselves as being above others. We ought not to see ourselves as being above others. Instead Jesus wants us to realise that we are called to work with others for the common good.

As we progress in this Lenten Season, let our prayer to God be to mould and make us after His perfect will. That does not mean that we will be perfect, but it means that we will be closer to understanding what God requires of us. It is not about being superior to others, but it is about our call to service and Discipleship. We need to pattern our lives on Jesus and see ourselves “here to serve and not to be served.” When we have reached that point, then we will make the Potter proud of what He has moulded and made. Let us ask God to mould us and make us after His will. Then we will truly realise that our purpose here is to serve others and not to be served.

Practical Action

Come to the realization that we are imperfect vessels in the hand of God. Realise that God has the power to rework us into something better. Understand that God is not finished with us, and we can become something greater.

A Moment in Prayer

“Mould me and make me after your will. While I am waiting, yielded and still.” Gracious God, we know and acknowledge that we are nothing before you. We know that in your hands we are merely clay, waiting for you make something of us. Help us to realise the great potential in ourselves, and the possibilities that exist with your help. Help us also to see that you are calling us as Disciples, to lead the way for others to come to you. Make us in your image and after your will. We surrender all in your hands through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Contributed by:

Very Rev. Fr. Richard A. Tucker