God refreshes if we follow God’s ways

Bible Verse

“Are you weary, carrying a heavy burden? Come to me. I will refresh your life, for I am your oasis.
Simply join your life with mine. Learn my ways and you’ll discover that I’m gentle, humble, easy to please.
You will find refreshment and rest in me. (Matthew 11:28-29 The Passionist Translation)

Take a Moment to Ponder

Life seems hard these days, doesn’t it? The people suffering in war-torn Palestine, our own stressors, an earthquake that has left many traumatized and a season of death since July. There seems little respite. For several of us, it seems to be all doom and gloom, but the book of Lamentations tells us that every day God gives us a new set of mercies to carry us through the day. We have experienced this because many times we say “But for the Grace of God”.

Jesus through Matthew suggests a way of walking with these burdens so they do not weigh you down.  He says rest in the ways of Jesus. Follow in gentleness, humility, and living a life of authenticity – being your true self and not who others want you to be.   

Take action

As we face each new day and situation, we must be open to the movement of God the spirit within us, guiding and directing our paths.  Following in the ways of Jesus we spend time in quietness, just communing with God, without speaking allowing the spirit to fill us. In this we get renewed strength, we receive assurance that God is with us even when it seems we are alone.

Let us pray

O Lord our friend and comforter, be with us all the day long as we navigate the stresses of life, especially when all around us seems dark and uncertain, and we cannot feel you near.  Come to us when we find it hard to pray.   Refresh us in your oasis as only you know how. Dispel our anxieties and fears with your calming spirit.  Give us strength and courage to walk always in your ways. Amen

Contributed by: Rev. Hilda Vaughan