Our Lenten Journey: You are not your own

The Collect: Almighty God, You know that we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves: Keep us both outwardly in our bodies and inwardly in our souls, that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.

Reflection: The Collect for today reminds us that, “we have no power in ourselves to help ourselves” so, as frail children of dust, we need to ask God to guard our bodies, shield our minds, protect our souls and our general well-being, confident in the assurance that in His love and tender care, He will. We acknowledge that this is possible through the sacrifice made for us by His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord whose death and dying have afforded us the opportunity for protection from all adversities which may attack the body and all evil thoughts which may assault our souls.

Aren’t we all guilty sometimes, of operating as if we have absolute dominion and control of our lives and all aspects of our existence? Sadly, our island nation continues to be challenged by seemingly uncontrollable crime and violence, which become more and more frightening in its nature and its disregard for humanity and human lives.  The perpetrators, it often appears, believe themselves to be all-powerful and invincible.

Today’s Collect serves as a reality check for us all, those who commit the atrocious criminal acts, as well as the others of us who need to cease from being mere spectators of the ugliness. As believers, and especially as members of the community of faith, it is our Christian duty to strive to be an active part of the solution. We have to seek, reach out, and bring all our brothers and sisters to a recognition of and relationship with Christ. We must show them the saving power of Jesus and help them experience the peace and joy which can come from knowing our Lord and Saviour. We must remember too, that on that fateful Friday, even as He was dying on the cross, Jesus offered salvation to the criminal, on the neighbouring cross.  The repentant and penitent criminal opted to accept His Word and was thus able to experience the joy of receiving Christ.  

For the Lenten season, let us use the time to reflect again, as individuals, on our Christian mission of caring for each other, including the vulnerable and marginalized in our community. Let us reach out and love one another, as He loved us.

 Meditation: l will help in the redemption of humankind by preaching the Gospel.  

Prayer: Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, help us to grow more in You. Grant us strength that we may never grow weary to share Your love with all who need our help. Amen.

The St. Jude’s Writers
St. Jude’s Church
Stony Hill
07 March 2021

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