Church Army: Mission Plan for 2021

At the beginning of 2021 a team comprising full-time officers and associates began to meet together to pray and plan for Mission 2021. Many ideas came to the fore and from these ideas a plan was made for 2021. Our theme for the year is “Cultivating and Maintaining Hope in Christ in a challenging year”.

There are many challenges as we journey through another year with COVID 19, nevertheless God is able. He always makes a way. So we continue to creatively find ways to share the Good News of God in Jesus Christ. 

1. Prayer Ministry – A team of persons will come together to pray weekly for the mission of Church Army, the evangelists, and those we will encounter. All Diocesan Organizations and local congregations are also invited to pray in their own meetings and services for Mission 2021. Our prayer is that Mission 21 will sensitize each baptized member of the Church (including children) that they have a responsibility to participate in the Mission of God, in and through Jesus Christ – to draw all persons to Himself. A monthly prayer calendar has also been prepared. 

  2. Fireside Chats – Fireside Chat Ministry is geared at creating multimedia content to encourage and equip persons for evangelism and Christian living. This is a space/place to share tools with which to share the gospel more effectively. This ministry is targeted for all age groups and uses various methods of communication to reach the audience. The first project will be a podcast on loneliness. 

3. TEWW (The encouraging written word) – All churches are encouraged to include a note of encouragement or Bible verse in the care packages we distribute (feeding persons physically and spiritually). Tracts are available though Jamaica Church Missionary Society and through the Church Army. There are also templates available for notes of encouragement, tracts and Bible verses.  

4. Hospital Ministry – This is reaching out to and supporting persons in the health care system, especially through the use of “Saline Ministry”. 

5. Mission infiltration – To strengthen existing organizations in the Church – the MU, BSA, WA, AYF and the Young Adults, making them aware that they too are called to be evangelists and to remind them that this is what they are called to do. “Christ to be known, lives to be transformed, Christ is to lead your life”.

 6.  Footprints -*like the poem (One-on-one Evangelism & Presence Ministry) This Ministry calls for each person to prayerfully choose one person who may not have a relationship with God, to journey alongside them intentionally, for a year supporting and sharing with them to bring them to a saving knowledge of God in Christ.   

So many of our brothers and sisters are alone, lonely and fearful at this time, and now, more than ever, are uncertain what the future holds. Some are experiencing physical, financial and emotional hardships. This may even be our story, but, in all of this, we are called to show love for our others.

The pandemic has created the perfect opportunity for us to follow Jesus’ command, that we love one another and be our brother’s/sister’s keeper. So, in addition to wearing a mask, and practicing physical distancing from others, we must also show we care by bringing the Good News to those unfamiliar with His Word; we must encourage and bring hope to the hopeless, and share with them, aspects of our faith journey through our testimonies of spiritual growth.


Prayer Ministry – Sis. Nicola Elliot, Sis. Averill Roberts, Sis. Norma Thompson, Sis. Hortense James

Fireside Chats – Capt. Christopher Givans, Sis. Andrea Taylor-Smith, Sis. Reilette Allen

Flyers – Sis. Marcia Hamilton, Sis. Erica DeSilva

Hospital – Sis. Melvorn Stewart

Mission Infiltration – Sis. Molly Walton, Sis. Evelyn Gray, Capt. Stephen Malcolm

Footprints – Sis. Averill Roberts, Sis. Molly Walton, Sis. Marcia Hamilton, Sis. Hortense James, Sis. Reilette Allen