He is here, Halleluiah!

Easter Sunday, Year B

4 April 2021

Reading:John 20: 1- 18

Scripture: “…I have seen the Lord…”(John 20:18)

Reflection: The Easter story, for the foundational members of the Christian community, begins in darkness and despair that initially turn them away from the place of victory over death “… for as yet they did not understand” (John 20:9).  Peter, verifying from the orderliness of the linen cloths, that the grave of his Master had not been desecrated by robbers, turns back to remorseful weeping.  Mary, blinded by self-absorbing grief, sees only a bewilderingly empty tomb. It is to John’s glory that he engages his intellect and, through the eyes of love reciprocated, he sees, remembers and believes; becoming the first one to read and begin to understand the signs of Resurrection – but he too returns home.

Christians in 2021, have heard, read and told the Easter story repeatedly and risk the chance of its being regarded as a stagnant historical event from which we turn away to continue the feverish round of “… serving and sorrowing, laughing and longing, praying and partying”. Thankfully for us now, generations through the ages and those yet to come, the story does not end there. Mary weeps but turns away from the abyss of impenetrable desolation and glimpses, through torrential tears, the illuminating Light of the world, the Hope of all ages – the risen Christ.  She not only meets Jesus face to face, but speaks with Him and is sent to proclaim the good news that continues to reverberate triumphantly through all time.

 Empty tombs are not good news, but we live the Easter story and understand that Christ, released from death, though hidden from our view, still shares His life with us. His love prompts us back from our empty tombs to journey from darkness to light, from penitence to liberating forgiveness, from despair to hope, from death to life.  

Easter beckons us away from our empty tombs to experience and invite others to share in new and never-ending life with our Lord Jesus, Who remains always with us – ‘risen, ascended, glorified’! 

Meditation:  We, like Mary, are commissioned to tell the Easter story over and over and over again.

Prayer:  Almighty God, who through Your only-begotten Son Jesus Christ overcame death and opened to us the gate of everlasting life: Grant that we, who celebrate with joy the day of the Lord’s resurrection, may be raised from the death of sin by Your life-giving Spirit; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen. (Collect for Easter Day)

The St. Jude’s Writers

St. Jude’s Church

Stony Hill

Anglican Diocese of Jamaica and The Cayman Islands

4 April 2021