Perfect Submission: Following God’s will and plan for our Lives

Jeremiah 29:11-13 New International Version (NIV)

For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.

Take a Moment to Ponder

We all have inner desires and wishes for our lives and those close to us.

  • One day I’ll have enough money to feel safe and secure.
  • One day I’ll find the perfect wife/husband to love me and make me feel complete
  • One day I’ll have a child or children
  • One day I’ll get my dream car
  • One day I’ll own my own home
  • One day I’ll be promoted and become the head of a section
  • One day my child will be at the top of his or her class
  • One day my child will be awarded a scholarship

The list is endless. One day will never come if you are not content with who you are today, right here and right now. You will never be happy with who you are today until you show gratitude to God for creating you just as you are and recognise that you are made the way you are, and placed where you are, to fulfil his plan for your life.  Ephesians 2:10 reminds us “For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.”

When you come to the realisation that without God you are unable to make the most of yourself, then you have a personal epiphany. Clay cannot mould itself no matter how hard it tries. However, God, the Potter, can, not only mould His clay, but He also knows what His original design for you was. The weaknesses we have that may make us feel useless shows us that God’s grace is sufficient. God’s power is made perfect in our weaknesses. Weaknesses keep us humble and serve as reminders to lean on God’s strength which is much more sufficient than our own. We must remember the words of Matthew 28:20b “And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Even in the midst of tribulations, God sticks with us and uses those challenges to shape us. When we understand that, our perspective completely changes. We should no longer see setbacks as failures; we see them as moments when God, as our loving Father, works on us.

God is with us always and if we become still we can feel his hand and voice guiding us safely through all the ages and stages of our lives to the very end.

Take Action

  1. Walk with God.

Learn to walk with God. You need to develop a relationship with Him. Christianity is all about relationship rather than just religion. You must cultivate your relationship with God. You must seek to know Him and not just seek to know about Him.

  • Surrender your will to God’s will.

Many times when we say we are seeking God’s will, what we really want is God to rubber-stamp our plan or desires. Before God will begin to reveal His will to you, you must be committed to doing whatever it is that He desires for you to do. Each and every day we must consciously lay aside our own plans and expectations—and surrender to His plans

  • Listen to God’s Spirit

When you stop to pray in solitude bring a notepad or paper with you. Write down all the things you need discernment, advice and guidance about and leave a good space below each question or concern. While praying meditate on the questions and concerns. You may just be surprised that God will start flooding your heart with ideas and information in response to questions and concerns you have written down. Write what comes to your heart and mind – it is God speaking to you. When we pray, we admit that His ways are higher than ours. We show that we’re leaving our troubles and burdens and dreams in His capable hands. In fact, the Bible promises that when we reach out to Him in prayer, He hears us: “Evening, morning, and noon I cry out in distress, and he hears my voice.” (Psalm 55:17)

  • Pay attention to how God has made you (Psalm 139:14).

God has created you to fulfil a unique role in this world. There is no one else who can achieve completely what God has intentionally created you to do. Once you recognise what purpose you were made for you will find that life gets easier because you are realising your true purpose.

A Moment in Prayer

Gracious God, many stumbling blocks stand in the way of my moving towards your wishes for my life. Doubts, fears, insecurities and other negative thoughts and behaviours stand before me and I confess that I feel powerless and afraid. Fill me with a renewed sense of who you are; that I may trust in your divine rule over my life. Teach me to rely on your all-knowing wisdom and not to fear the power of any adversary or the challenge of any obstacle, through Jesus Christ, who lives, and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit now and forever, Amen.

Contributed by Sister Thera Edwards