Bible Moment: God is Present-Everyday

Out of the depths have I called to you, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice let your ears consider well my supplication…For there is forgiveness with you; therefore you shall be feared. I wait for the Lord; my soul waites for him; in his word is my hope…O Israel wait for the Lord for with the Lord there is mercy…

(Psalm 130: 1, 3—4, 6—NRSV)

Take a Moment to Ponder

In the Psalms we get a sense of realness about human relationship with God. It conveys the idea that God is concerned with our daily experiences. The Psalmist is never afraid to be open and honest with God, “through all the changing scenes of life…” We also find that the psalmist believes that God is concerned with the individual’s needs and desires, as much as with the communities. In Psalm 130, the Psalmist expresses confidence in this dual concern of God. He begins affirming his personal confidence in God to rescue him from his troubles. Thus resting himself squarely in the love and mercies of God. He ends the Psalm by inviting the community of Israel to hope in God as he has done. He made that call, because he believed that whatever he and Israel were facing, God was able to rescue them. For the Psalmist it does not matter what gave rise to the challenges that were being faced; because for him, God’s mercy reaches beyond human errors and misdeeds. In this Psalm we find confidence that a merciful God will rescue humans as they face the vagaries of life. What the Psalmist expresses is that God is willing to look beyond our frailties and grant us his love.

On a daily basis we face difficulties as individuals and as a country. This is a part of the ebb and flow of life. The problems arise, the troubles come, but in the midst of these God is present—always ready to help us. God is ready to rescue us from the depths of hurt, pain, anger, frustration and all the existential torments we encounter. When life throws us a sudden curve, we have a God who is able and willing to make it straight. Christians have this assurance from Jesus, who says “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (St. John 6:35). In this we are assured that nothing can separate us from the love of God. We only have to have trust in God’s mercy.

Practical Action

  1. For the rest of the week randomly select a Psalm to read each day and make the words of the Psalmist your own prayer to God. Even the Psalms that make you uncomfortable.
  2. Pay attention to and even write down how you feel when you pray the words of the Psalms (Does it make you feel closer to God? Does it make you trust God more? Does it make you feel guilty, hopeful, ashamed, and uncomfortable?).
  3. Why do you feel the way you feel after praying the particular Psalm?

A Moment in Prayer

Merciful God, help me to be open with you this day and onwards. Help me Lord, to trust in your mercies and love, because with you there is plenteous redemption. Give me grace to be confident in your providential care, trusting always that through this fleeting life, your grace is eternal and surpasses human understanding. This I pray through Jesus Christ, the Good shepherd of my soul. Amen.

Contributed by: Rev. Garfield Campbell