Intentional Discipleship Song & Music

I Pledge to Follow You
Written by: Rev. Douglas Barnes

Lord, your ways are good
And your will is sure
Your words are life and peace

I pledge to follow you
I’ll follow where you lead
And where you live, I’ll live

Where you send, I’ll go
As you serve, I’ll serve
I pledge to follow you (Rept)

I’ll fight the fight of faith
Preaching to lost and ailed
Freedom and peace in soul
The cares of life are small
when on your name we call
And pledge to follow you

The ones you love, I’ll love
As you gave I’ll give
I live for you alone
I pledge to follow you
You light the path to truth
From you I’ll stray no more

Christ, Teacher, Living Word
I live for you my Lord
In you there’s life un-end
I pledge to follow you
No matter what the price
Even the sacrifice

Bearing your light, O Christ
We shed the night-time fears;
Our hearts are open now
Feed us Your Holy Word.
Plant truth within us deep;
Shape us to follow you


Intentional Discipleship MUSIC

Intentional Discipleship SONG